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EmpowerED Superintendent Webinar Series

CoSN, AASA and edWeb.net join together to co-host a monthly series of edWebinars for Superintendents, K-12 school and district leaders aspiring leaders and educators.

Access upcoming and previous edWebinars

The Empowered Superintendent edWebinar Series

Co-hosted by CoSN, AASA, and edWeb.net

Sponsored by ClassLink

School district leaders face many challenges leading schools and driving school improvement. Collaboration with peers is one of the most effective ways to learn about effective ideas and practices. CoSN, AASA, and edWeb.net are co-hosting an online professional learning community and edWebinar series to help superintendents connect and collaborate to help each other in this endeavor. You can attend the edWebinars live to connect with peers in real time, or view the recordings.  Join the Super-Connected community on edWeb for online discussions and resources.